Investiture Ceremony 2023-24

“Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example”.

The investiture is an investment of a person with authority, responsibility, and rights. It is rightly said that “Leaders are not born, they are made”.

In order to scale the heights and reach the Pinnacle of success, we Thomasanians always strive to inculcate a sense of responsibility and commitment among the students with their heads high, ready to shoulder responsibility as leaders.

The newly elected Student Council was honored at the investiture ceremony held in the school auditorium on 6th May 2023. The Guest of the Event was Mr. Roy Mathew, an entrepreneur, and a corporate trainer. He motivated and guided the student council to be leaders who believe in serving, listening, empathizing, and problem-solving while leading the team.

The students dressed in their resplendent house colours added grandeur to the event. The elected leaders were conferred with badges and sashes. The students pledged to serve the school and fulfill their responsibilities to the best of their abilities.